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Hormone Health - Tools for Health
December 15, 2009

We hope the holiday season finds you and yours well and happy.

It's a busy time of year so we won't be taking up more of your time with a long newsletter. However we did want to make you aware of a Master Herbalist course available which is currently being offered at an excellent rate.

The School of Natural Health

Use the link above to see if it is something you can use. We think it's an excellent gift that will give to you, your family, and your friends forever!

Keep in mind their offer is time limited so you'll want to look into it today.

Merry Christmas!


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Teri Hayes is a Certified Natural Health Consultant, Reflexologist, and Family Herbalist

You can e-mail her by replying to this newsletter or visit her at Natural Health Coach for Women

Many of the herbs and supplements she recommends to clients can be found using this link.

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I’d love to hear from you! Reply to this newsletter and tell me what you think!

The suggestions in this e-newsletter are meant to encourage personal responsibility for health and are not given as medical advice. For your individual health concerns such as chronic or acute warning symptoms, in emergency situations, or when in doubt, seek the advice of your primary personal health car practitioner.

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