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Your July 2004 Newsletter - Tools for Health, Issue #004 is here
July 15, 2004

Are you planning a vacation? Or have you already gone, come back, and want to be better prepared naturally for the little 'glitches' that tend to happen when we're off having fun? Often when we are traveling our healthy practices are left at home. Learn tips on how to use essential oils, enzymes and other natural means to make your travel time go smoothly.

We'll also cover tips on when to call me, and when (and how) to take care of other issues yourself.

Enjoy this natural path to health, and take care of YOU!

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July 2004 ......................... Issue #004

In This Issue

  1. Tips For Travel
  2. When To Call Me
  3. Taking Care Of You
  4. Vacation & Summer Recipes (not what you think!)
  5. What's New At Home

Tips For Travel

Food Enzymes - Take 2-3 after meals to digest food to allow breakdown to prevent food poisoning and helps with proper elimination. This is especially important when traveling out of the country.

High Potency Odor Controlled Garlic (never use odor free) - Nature's Penicillin to prevent colds, viruses and parasites.

Guardian Essential Oil - Rubbed on bottom of feet in a carrier oil. Great for long plane rides, as this is the dirtiest air you will breathe. Good to spray mixed in Natures Fresh in your hotel room, on the bottom of your feet or any place you may travel. Excellent to keep you from becoming ill. Blend 25 drops Guardian 2 ounces Nature's Fresh In a 2 ounce glass bottle Spray in room as a natural Lysol or on the bottom of feet.

Tei Fu Oil - 101 uses. Keeps bugs from biting, especially with HP Garlic, good for motion sickness, congestion, a drop rubbed behind the ears can pop your ears open while flying. Good mixed in lotion for sore muscles keeps mosquitoes away. Can mix in water and spray on body or put drops on pulse points. Can dab on insect bites to help them quit itching.

Olive Leaf extract capsules - to fight off bacteria and viruses

Tea Tree Oil - a tiny bottle great as an antiseptic for any type of cuts or scrapes to clean them out.

Peppermint Oil - a tiny bottle, One drop on the tongue soothes the stomach and helps with nausea and motion sickness, and helps with jet lag.

Energ-V - For jet lag

Melatonin - resets the body's biological clock for adults only.

Activated Charcoal or Slippery Elm - for food poisoning

Distress remedy -- helps with emotional stress of every kind internally and externally and can also be put directly on wounds to help with swelling pain and inflammation.

Pure Aloe Vera Gel - Mix with Lavender oil for burns of any kind.

30 SPF Suntan Lotion - So you don't have to use the Aloe Vera Gel.

Colloidal Silver - Topical antibacterial for wounds and internally for antibacterial, antiviral, parasitical or candida. Can use as a gargle for sore throats.

When To Call

Many people do not realize when they should call for a follow-up or for help with varying health conditions. Below is a list of different times you will want to call me to help you with your health needs.

  1. Call when you feel like you have hit a plateau with your health program. This is normal. It may come in a few months, several months or even a year. It is optimal to have your herbs and nutritional program rechecked every 3-6 months, depending on what health issues you are currently working on.

  2. Call if you feel like your herbs are not working for you any more. We don't take the same herbs for the rest of our lives. When you feel as if they are not working for you, that is a signal it is time to change what you are doing. Our bodies will need change where our nutritional program is concerned.

  3. Call if you have a new major health issue. If you find you are having health issues in a new area of your life, don't let this slide. A quick phone call can determine if I need to see you or if we can make the appropriate changes over the phone.

  4. Call if you have a friend or relative who is wanting to set an appointment to see me. Any referral you send me I always sign up as a member under you so that you will receive full credit for the purchase of their herbs.

  5. Call if you have had excessive stress in your life. Stress is one of the 4 ways disease and illness set in to the body.

  6. Call if you are having structural issues, i.e., car accident, falling down stairs, chiropractor adjustments that won't stay, etc.

  7. Call if you are fighting a cold, allergies or the flu. Herbs are wonderful to help in all of these areas. Why be sick if you don't need to be? Remember the cold IS the cure, and herbs help you push though the illness quickly without covering up or suppressing the symptoms.

Taking Care Of You

If you are congested… Use ALJ to break up the mucus. This is great for congestion from a cold or allergies. ALJ comes in capsules or liquid. Hista-Block is an excellent antihistamine.

If you are overcoming a cold… Take one or more of the expectorant herbs -

Adults can take these supplements every 2 hours.

If you are fighting a fever Take a bath in 2 heaping tablespoons of Ginger or Yarrow in your tub, mixed with 2 cups of Epsom salts. It will help you sweat it out and break a fever.

If you are overcoming a viral infection Olive Leaf (for viruses, bacteria or fungus), Elderberry Defense in capsules or chewable (for respiratory & viral issues).

If you have a virus VS-C for the herpes family of viruses: cold sores, chicken pox or shingles. This comes in liquid or capsules.

If you have a sore throat Sore Throat/Laryngitis Homeopathic or Cellu-Tone essential oil rubbed on the throat can be very beneficial.

If you have the stomach flu Aloe Vera juice settles the stomach. Slippery Elm is excellent for diarrhea. Peppermint Oil on the tongue for nausea.

Vacation and Summer Recipes

No More Bugs

Summer is upon us and so are the Bugs!
By Lorrie Hargis June 2001

In the summer, we want to enjoy the great outdoors, however with this experience comes the almighty bug.

When battling all the beasts it is wise to keep in mind that many over the counter products contain chemicals that are toxic. Using essential oils is nontoxic. They are natural repellents besides having the added benefits of being antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Here is a wonderful blend for prevention of bug bites and for reducing the swelling and infection after you have been bit.

Bug Bite Blend contains:
6 drops Lavender,
2 drops Sweet thyme
4 drops Eucalyptus
Blend in 1/2 ounce Natures Fresh and spray on.

Natural Pesticide

Essential oils can also be used in your garden to combat aphids, tomato worms, fungus and spider mites.

Recipe for a Natural Pesticide
2 cups water
10 capsules NSP garlic oil or 2 bulbs of garlic
¾ cup Natures Fresh or Sunshine concentrate Biodegradable soap
2 T. NSP capsicum/ powdered cayenne pepper
10 drops Sweet thyme
10 drops eucalyptus
Put in sprayer
Spray on plants as needed

All ingredients for both of these recipes can be found here.

What's New At Home

Natural Health Coach for Women is continually changing and growing. Many of you have shared some helpful resources and I have recently been able to add a very important one for Fibromyalgia. Thank you to Richard who told me about a wonderful graphic showing the tender points fibromyalgia sufferers deal with, and to Miryam Williamson at for granting permission to use it.

Another project for this past week has been the addition of an Aromatherapy Page. You'll find lots of help and resources for adding this wonderful tool for health into your life. Essential oils can replace toxic cleaners, room deodorizers, and perfumes, in addition to working with many, many health issues.

Not too long ago I found a woman who makes and sells terra-cotta diffuser pendants. I fell in love with the leaf and flower impressions so I asked her if I could share them with you -- and she said yes! To celebrate, and because I'm participating in a Christmas in July Expo, I am offering clients and customers two free pendants of their choice when they purchase any of 3 aromatherapy kits. Look here for details - scroll down towards the bottom of the page.

By the way, I'd love for you to come visit me at the Christmas in July Expo. It's July 16th-18th. I'm in exhibit hall 2, second booth down on the left.

Have a healthy day,


Teri Hayes is a Certified Natural Health Consultant, Herb Specialist, and Certified Reflexologist

You can e-mail her at or visit her at Natural Health Coach for Women

The herbs and supplements she recommends to clients can be found using this link.

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? Please reply to this e-newsletter. I’d love to hear from you. Just reply to this newsletter and tell me what you think!

To schedule an appointment you can reach Teri at 863-676-8766. Initial consultations (usually 1 ½ hrs.) are $50 and include a follow-up visit (approx. 30-45 min).

The suggestions in this e-newsletter are meant to encourage personal responsibility for health and are not given as medical advice. For your individual health concerns such as chronic or acute warning symptoms, in emergency situations, or when in doubt, seek the advice of your primary personal health car practitioner.

"Those who do not have enough time for good health, will not have good health for enough time."

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