Womens Health Interview...
The following womens health interview answers the question...
"What Exactly is a Womans Natural Health Consultant?"
At times it's hard to describe what I do because it varies client to client just as Womens health issues vary from woman to woman.
Recently I was asked to do a womens health interview by Carolyn Chambers Clark, ARNP, EDD, author of the recently released book Living Well With Menopause - what your doctor doesn't tell you...that you need to know.
Womens Health Interview
Carolyn: Today I'm interviewing Teri Hayes, Natural Health Consultant. What is a Certified Natural Health Consultant, Teri?
Teri: That's a good question, Carolyn. A Certified Natural Health Consultant is someone who has studied natural alternatives to modern medicine and completed certification requirements at the School for Natural Health. Each consultant is unique in the skills/tools they bring to their clients. In addition to my certification as a natural health consultant, I?m also a certified Reflexologist, have apprenticed under a Master Herbalist, have had training in beginning and advanced aromatherapy, and have had some experience with iridology. I continue to study and add to my knowledge base every chance I get.
Carolyn: What kind of education or experiences did you have to obtain to become certified?
Teri: I have been studying natural health for more than 18 years, Carolyn. To receive certification as a Natural Health Consultant, I focused on the following courses:
- Prescription Drugs and Natural Alternatives
- The Blood Type Approach to Herbal Consulting
- Living Longer and Loving It
- Mastering Modern Herbal Medicine
- Natural Remedies for Common Ailments
- Solving the Mystery of Autoimmune disease
In addition to attending all classes, attendees are required to complete at least 20 hours of practicum (hands on use of material learned) for each course, and of course passing a final exam for each.
The School of Natural Health at the time I took my courses was taught at various locations throughout the United States. It is now available in distance learning format which makes it accessible to everyone throughout the world. Contact Tree of Light to learn more. www.treelite.com You no longer get the one on one question and answer opportunity, but I'm sure the program is still a great learning experience. These people have a great reputation.
Carolyn: How exactly do you help people in this role?
Teri: My service is individualized. My clients and I work together through a variety of means to determine which body systems may need support. Communication is key and includes open discussion, a basic client history, and an in depth lifestyle analysis. The goal is to enable each person to take responsibility for their own health; thus achieving their health goals, naturally. Implementing lifestyle changes is always the first step, and then we use herbs and other supplements for extra support.
Carolyn: Can you share some examples of the kinds of consulting work you've done?
Teri: Sure. I've worked with children (young to late teen), and men and women of all ages. One male teen is working on severe allergy problems so in addition to the necessary diet changes, he has also worked with herbs to cleanse and support the liver. Another client is a male in his mid 70's working on his blood sugar. He was amazed when using the recommended protocol his blood sugar dropped into the normal range quickly and stayed. A young mother having trouble with anxiety and sleepless nights was able to find relief with one simple herb.
It's rewarding when clients truly want to help themselves and are willing to make the changes necessary to become healthier.
Carolyn: Do you have a web site where readers can go and obtain more information on your services?
Teri: Yes, my informational website is
Natural Health Coach for Women
I have other websites and pages, but this is the main place for those interested in learning about natural health. The site is constantly growing and we welcome ideas for content from our visitors.
Carolyn: Do you have a newsletter or other form of communication my visitors might benefit from?
Teri: Yes! Tools for Health is my monthly e-Newsletter and is the simplest way to become comfortable taking responsibility for your health. You can get a complementary subscription at our
Tools for Health page
In addition to the article(s) relating to the main topic, we also keep you up to date on other educational opportunities in natural health. Often times these are teleconferences, or events happening in your area. For those living in central Florida, we also have a "What's Happening At Home" section keeping you up to date on what's available here. Visitors to my site often ask questions via the form on the Health Questions page, so we have dedicated a section of Tools for Health where their questions, listed anonymously, and the answers can benefit all subscribers. It's a great tool.
Womans Health Supporting Websites
Complementary Health Analysis
Women's Health - Herbs & Supplements